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Practice Update COVID-19

Please review the following updates to our practice due to the COVID-19 pandemic. OFFICE HOURS: Shared daytime coverage with Dr. Iris Castaneda Van Wyk: Mon & Wed – Dr. Iris Tue, Thur & Fri – Dr. Barry Nighttime: Dr. Barry on-call Weekends: Dr.

Novel Coronavirus Update

2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Human Coronaviruses ( /coronavirus/about/index.html) are a family of viruses that usually cause illnesses like the common cold. Almost everyone gets one of these viruses at some point in their lives. Most of the time the illness only lasts for a short time.

Spruce Telehealth: A Standard of Care

Petite Pediatrics has offered this technology as a standard of care for our patients since 2018. The current COVID-19 global pandemic, requires families to remain home to minimize exposure to the novel corona virus.  We want to assure our families that this is the latest technology in the delivery of medical care and we are committed to ensuring confidentiality while maintaining the safety and well-being of our patients.

Flu Update for 2018

A Message for Caregivers & Teachers Get Vaccinated for Seasonal Flu Now! Flu activity is quite elevated in the US. Getting vaccinated is still the single best way to protect against influenza and reduce the risk of becoming sick from it.

Coping with Disasters

How Families Can Cope with Relocation Stress After a Disaster ​Unplanned evacuations during a disaster can cause great stress on a community and on the individuals in that community. First Steps of Recovery Recovering from a disaster occurs in phases over days,

Thomas Fire: Stay UP-TO-DATE

Thomas Fire Resources Families can stay updated on the local conditions by checking the Count of Santa Barbara Website. There is also helpful information regarding the use of masks for safe breathing. N95 masks provide protection from small particles in smoke and should be fitted for proper usage.

New Medical Home

Dr. Barry and the staff at Petite Pediatrics are excited to announce the move of our medical office this fall. We will be relocating to a free-standing medical home that will provide our signature care of personalized medicine for infants, children and adolescents.  

MAKE A PLAN for Media Use in School Aged Children and Adolescents

The AAP has created an interactive tool to help families create a Media Use Plan. Media can create frustration for both parents and children, for example, both parties can feel ignored, or be concerned about excessive use.  Both parents and children can lose moments to connect emotionally if devices take the place of face-to-face conversations and interactions.  



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